Business Insurance
As a business owner, you know that running a business requires more work than just selling a product. You're responsible for everything related to the business, legally and financially. We offer insurance for businesses that provide coverage to protect you, your business, and your employees.
Business insurance extends past covering just your office and company vehicles. It can protect you against theft and robberies, loss of income, injuries, and liabilities. Some coverages we offer include:
Commercial Auto: similar to your personal auto but provided for vehicles owned by the business
General Liability:
Bodily Injury
Property Damage
Products-Completed Operations (liability protection)
Products Liability
Contractual Liability
Legal Defense Costs
Medical Payments
Advertising Injury
Borrowed Equipment
Fire, Lightning, or Explosion Damage
Workers Compensation
To learn more about how business can help protect you, contact us for a consultation. We'll work with you, one-on-one, to assess the needs of your business so your business can thrive, even when accidents happen.